Celebrating Saulteau Cultural Centre’s Grand Opening

JEN COL celebrates significant milestone of Grand Opening celebration if Saulteau Cultural Center.

JEN COL is honoured to celebrate the Grand Opening of the Saulteau Cultural Centre with the Saulteau First Nations community. This stunning centre not only serves as a vibrant hub for cultural events but also features an extensive array of exhibits showcasing traditional arts, crafts, and historical artifacts. Each exhibit tells the rich and compelling story of the Saulteau First Nation’s past, providing a deep dive into the Nation’s heritage and traditions.

The centre has a large gathering hall with a viewing area, a fully equipped commercial kitchen, lounges for elders and community members, a workout room, a playroom for children, and a spacious educational area. These facilities are designed to foster community engagement, support wellness, and provide educational opportunities for all ages.

“The historical grand opening of our Cultural Centre has opened many doors for Treaty 8 nations to continue to grow and prosper together, utilizing their values and principles, creating a strong foundation on culture and tradition for future generations” said Chief Rudy Paquette of Saulteau First Nations.

As we commemorate this milestone, JEN COL is proud to have been a part of this journey, contributing to a project that will have a lasting impact on the Saulteau First Nations community and beyond. We look forward to witnessing the centre’s role in fostering cultural exchange, education, and community strength for many years to come.

For more details about this incredible project and to explore the features of the Saulteau Cultural Centre, please visit our project page.

Video credits: Dark Ties Media

JEN COL Participates In Moose Hide Campaign Day

JEN COL Moose Hide Day

On May 16th, JEN COL wore moose hide pins to support the Moose Hide Campaign to end violence. The Moose Hide Campaign originated in British Columbia as an Indigenous-led grassroots initiative aimed at involving men and boys in the effort to stop violence against women and children. It has expanded into a National movement encompassing Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians from various communities, including First Nations, government bodies, educational institutions, law enforcement, and numerous other organizations, all dedicated to taking measures to put an end to violence.

The campaign began over 10 years ago, along the Highway of Tears, and since then thousands of communities, organizations and individuals across Canada have participated in the Moose Hide Campaign Day.

The campaign is grounded in Indigenous culture and traditional ways of healing. A cornerstone of the Moose Hide Campaign is the moose hide pin. The moose hide pins are considered a little piece of land medicine and gift to those who wear it. The campaign chose moose hide since it connects us to the land, culture and to each other. Wearing the pin signifies your commitment to honour, respect, and protect the women and children in your life and speak out against gender-based and domestic violence.

To learn more about Moose Hide Campaign Day, check out the website of the campaign here.

Moose Hide Campaign Day